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Laetitia I. Smoll is half Belgian and half American, and grew up in Hong Kong. She obtained a BA (Hons) at the University of Melbourne, with majors in Linguistics and Mandarin. She then obtained her MA in Linguistics at Leiden University in the Netherlands, during which time she undertook fieldwork in Suriname and compiled the stories in this book.
Eithne B. Carlin, born and raised in Northern Ireland, with a Ph.D. from the University of Cologne, is Senior Lecturer at Leiden University. She is specialized in the languages and cultures of Native America, with a special focus on the Guianas. Since 1996 she has published several books and articles on language description, identity, and mobility among the Cariban and Arawakan groups of the Guianas.
Les livres publiés par cet auteur/éditeur :
Tootonhïrï komo People of the Past: A collection of Katuena myths
Laetitia Smoll
This book presents four central myths from the oral traditions of the Katuena, an Amerindian people of Southern Suriname,...