Le Livre en papier • The vegetal calderas de Paul Elvere DELSART

The vegetal calderas
Catégorie : Romans & Essais - Nouvelles
From the windows of a carriage of the mythical Trans-Siberian train, the passengers comfortably leaning back in their velvet seats observed the immense vegetated vertical structures which stood up along the track like luminous beacons in the middle of a hostile and little-known nature. This collection of short fictional stories is coupled with analyzes providing food for thought on a way to promote Russia. It also represents a beacon of hope for international cooperation and the upliftment of youth around the world...
Prix : 12.99 €
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From the windows of a carriage of the mythical Trans-Siberian train, the passengers comfortably leaning back in their velvet seats observed the immense vegetated vertical structures which stood up along the track like luminous beacons in the middle of a hostile and little-known nature. This collection of short fictional stories is coupled with analyzes providing food for thought on a way to promote Russia. It also represents a beacon of hope for international cooperation and the upliftment of youth around the world...
Auteur : Paul Elvere DELSART
Editeur : EL4DEV
Catégorie : Romans & Essais - Nouvelles
Format : Poche (11 x 18 cm)
Nombre de pages : 112
Couverture : Souple
Reliure : Dos carré collé
Finition : Brillant
ISBN : 978-2-8083-2331-4 9782808323314
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Paul Elvere DELSART Paul Elvere Delsart est un ingénieur social français, auteur, éditeur et artiste. Il est connu pour sa vision positive de... Tous les ouvrages de cet auteur »
EL4DEV The EL4DEV editions publish works that are collections of short stories, novels, illustrated novels, graphic novels and... Tous les ouvrages de cet éditeur »
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