Le Livre en papier • Irish Whispers de Geneviève Gaeng

Irish Whispers
AZEGwen is far from suspecting, when purchasing a faded engraving in the lair of a bric-a-brac trader, that this is the first decisive step which will lead her to discover herself an all-consuming passion and involve her on a strange and disorderly quest across Ireland.
An Ireland of invasions, wars, Gaels, Kings, traditions, struggles, Cromwell, Gentlemen Farmers and a lifestyle unique in the world.
A haunting Ireland, an island swept by winds and passions from which you never return unscathed, and which, since the dawn of time, has borne one of its proudest symbols : the Irish Wolfhound.
Prix : 22.90 €
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Gwen is far from suspecting, when purchasing a faded engraving in the lair of a bric-a-brac trader, that this is the first decisive step which will lead her to discover herself an all-consuming passion and involve her on a strange and disorderly quest across Ireland.
An Ireland of invasions, wars, Gaels, Kings, traditions, struggles, Cromwell, Gentlemen Farmers and a lifestyle unique in the world.
A haunting Ireland, an island swept by winds and passions from which you never return unscathed, and which, since the dawn of time, has borne one of its proudest symbols: the Irish Wolfhound.
Auteur : Geneviève Gaeng
Catégorie : Romans & Essais - Essai historique
Format : A5 (14,8 x 21 cm)
Nombre de pages : 370
Couverture : Souple
Reliure : Dos carré collé
Finition : Brillant
ISBN : 978-2-8083-0014-8
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Geneviève Gaeng Amoureuse des mots, des idées, de la vie, de l'Irlande et des symboles, Geneviève Gaeng, à 50 ans, décider de partager cet... Tous les ouvrages de cet auteur »
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